After lots of research, long conversations, and a whole lotta prayer, we have some exciting news to announce:
Camp Mardela will be offering camp sessions in the summer of 2021!
After the year we all just went through, I think we all deserve a good summer away! We are hoping to offer a combination of day camps and overnight camps, following all of the recommended guidelines and restrictions as laid out by the Center of Disease Control, the American Camping Association, and Maryland Department of Health. We hope to bring back the magic of camp, while maintaining our commitment to keep you and your children safe and healthy.
There is a lot of fun to be had at camp, and it can all be done safely! Hikes in the woods, canoeing in Watts Creek, and sitting around the campfire are classic camp activities that COVID-19 will not compromise. So while on the surface some of camp's operations may be a little different than you remember, camp is still camp, and there is a lot that we can enjoy together here!
A schedule of camps will be out in the near future, and we will be sure to let you know when registrations for those camps open up. We are thrilled to invite you and your children and youth back to camp, so stay tuned for more information!