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The Lane - December 2022


Updated: Mar 29, 2023


Archive Day - January 7th - 10am-5pm

Share your memories, and help us prepare for our 75th Anniversary. We'll organize archives, share stories and art, and plan events for the rest of the year.

Camp's 75th Birthday - May 21st - 5-8pm

Join us as we kick-off our anniversary celebrations, complete with all of the traditional birthday fun! This event is free and open to all who want to celebrate with us.

Anniversary Weekend - Sept. 1st-3rd

During Family Camp, we will have presentations, displays, and activities celebrating 75 years. Meals and lodging will be available by registration, which will open February 2023.

Shirt Sale

If you pre-ordered shirts, orders will be shipped and/or available for pick-up on December 10th at the Sights & Sounds of Christmas. We are now selling the 75th Anniversary shirts at full-price, $15 t-shirts, $25 sweatshirts at


There are several ways you can contribute to our 75th anniversary preparations:

Archive Day - Jan 7, share camp stories, send camp pictures, display camp heirlooms, create art in honor of Camp Mardela, and/or be a presenter for anniversary events!

You can send your contributions to


Sights & Sounds of Christmas

December 10th & 17th - 5-8pm

Join us for a drive-thru light display, sit down and enjoy live Christmas music, bid on fully decorated Christmas trees at the Silent Auction and more! Admission is $5 per vehicle.

Winter Service Day

February 18th - 9am-5pm

We will be hosting another Saturday work day as we prepare for winter retreats. We will be cleaning, organizing, and working on maintenance jobs around camp. Lunch will be provided.

Spring Camp Auction

April 1st - 8am-1pm

Come to our biggest fundraiser of the year and support camp while getting some great deals! You can support this fundraiser by donating items to sell, or by coming and bidding.


2023 Projects

We've accomplished all of our project goals for 2022! These are our goals for next year:

  • Heat and AC for Krabill Hall

  • Upgrade RV Sites

  • Build new floating dock for Swimming Pond

  • Make paths for cabins

  • Purchase a new lawn mower

  • Gutters & guards on buildings

  • Sell Ford Explorer

Krabill Hall

Our main fundraiser this year will be for heat and AC in Krabill Hall. With the increase in year-round rental groups, we need to add more winterized space, and AC will help campers and staff find relief from the summer heat. Our fundraising goal is $30,000.

We're Hiring!

We are currently looking to hire a Food Service Supervisor, Waterfront Manager, Cooks, Lifeguards, and Maintenance staff. If you want to spend 6 weeks of summer at camp AND get paid, apply today!


Dairy Queen Fundraiser

We had a very successful night at Dairy Queen on November 8th. Thank you to everyone who came out to support. We raised about $250 for Camp Mardela! We hope to host more of these fundraisers in partnership with local businesses.

Service Day

We had about 25 volunteers come on November 19th to help Camp Mardela with several important projects. We got a lot done and we are already planning another service day for February.

Mattress Fundraiser

We have reached our fundraising goal! Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this possible. We are now ordering all of the mattresses we need so that we are ready for the next time campers come! We hope that you can join us and enjoy this improvement to camp as well!

Year-End Donations

As we enter a season of generosity, we ask you to prayerfully consider giving a year-end donation to Camp Mardela. Donations support us through the winter, fund our project goals and help campers to come to camp. You can send a donation in the mail or make a donation at


As this year is coming to a close, we want to take time to thank our wonderful volunteers and supporters of Camp Mardela!

Board Members

Paul Hutchison, Stanley Hutchison, Jered Hannawald, Suzanne Bowdle, Sara Potvin, Mikalah Potvin, Lezah Lakin, Bob Musch, Fred Miller, M Gresh, Karl Layton

Volunteer Camp Directors

Chris & Cassie Potvin, Ellen Wile, Joy Miller, Emily Bowdle, Karl & Tammy Layton, Curtis & Betty Hartman, Bev Williams, Alan Smith, Jim & Felecia Summy, Doug & Sally Ruby, Suzanne Bowdle, Bruce & Stacey Layton

Summer Program Staff & Volunteers

Fred Miller, Felecia Summy, Emily Layton, Abigail Baker, Darlene Young, Sarah Bowdle, Jessica Bowdle, Alecia Weaver, Angela Hood, Linda Summy, Cindy Bradley, Jody Gunn

Volunteer Photographers

Tom Darcy, Laura Swann, Stephen Layton

Thursday Volunteers

Stanley Hutchison, Tom Schuyler, Gerry Garey, John Earl Hutchison, Jim Lohr, Bob Musch, Mat Baynard, Jim Seymore, Ellen Wile, Darlene Hutchison

Church Supporters

Bethany COB, Denton COB, Easton COB, Fairview COB, Green Hill COB, Ridgely COB, Long Green Valley COB, MCF Community Church, Union Bridge COB, Thurmont COB, Oakton COB, University Park COB, Manassas COB, Community of Joy

Saturday Work Day Helpers (too many to name)

Donors (too many to name)

Camp Counselors & Resource (too many to name)

Campers & Families (too many to name)

To find out how you can support Camp Mardela, visit


Tween / Youth Retreat - Mar. 3-5

5th-7th / 8th-12th Grade

Stay for a weekend at Camp Mardela with friends new and old! Youth will also help with a camp service project as well!

Tween Directors - Brent & Melissa Johnson

Youth Directors - Josh & Violet Layton

1st-4th Grade Retreat - Mar. 10th-12th

Whether its your first-time, or you were born at camp, 1st-4th graders are welcoming to come to this winter weekend to get a taste of Camp Mardela before the summer!

Director - Bev Williams

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