Camp Mardela News, Events & Encouragement
2022 Project Status
There is not enough that can be said of the invaluable contributions our volunteers make to camp! Through volunteer help, fundraising and donations, we have been able to complete and start the following project just 2 months into 2022:
New camp truck bought (done)
Security system installed at Administrator's house and King (done)
Replacing the Krabill kitchen ceiling (in progress)
Replace cabin mattresses (in progress)
Create a nature lodge (in progress)
Receive grant funding to restore camp's waterfront (in progress)
We are well on our way to accomplishing our 2022 project goals. The next items on the docket will be opening additional RV sites, getting a small chest freezer for the camp store, getting more 8-person tents, and inviting more of the community into camp events. Thanks to everyone who supports these projects, and we hope you can come to camp soon and enjoy the new things we are doing!
Spaghetti Dinner
We plan to host our annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at the Denton Church of the Brethren at 108 S 7th St, Denton, MD 21629 on March 12th, from 5pm-7pm. However, for the safety of the volunteers and our dining guests, we will be serving these meals as to-go meals. We hope this offers safety and flexibility to those who want to support and take home a yummy meal! We ask for an $8 minimum donation for meals. Visit Spaghetti Dinner | Camp Mardela for more information.
Winter Retreats
We have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation on the Eastern Shore and have made the decision to change our weekend winter retreats to a 1-day program on Saturday for each age group. By making this change, we will be able to offer a winter program that is safe for all campers and staff. Thank you for your understanding as we have tried to navigate pandemic programming. Our priority is making a safe place for all people who come to camp, and this is how we hope to achieve that.
With reduced pricing, make sure you reserve your retreat spot today at PROGRAMS & EVENTS | Camp Mardela.
Camp Auction
We raised over $12,000 at our fall auction in 2021, and we are now moving it back to spring. There are many things to look forward to at this year's auction on April 2nd! Here are some ways you can support:
Sell print ads & sponsorships for the auction booklet (due February 28th)
Sell web ads & sponsorships for Camp Auction | Camp Mardela (due March 21st)
Donate auction items (due February 28th to be in booklet - items accepted later will be posted on the website)
Donate bake sale items (bring no later than 8am April 2nd)
Volunteer (contact to sign-up for a job)
Your help is always appreciated, and helps Camp Mardela to continue in its ministry here on the Eastern Shore
Yard Sale
This year, we have decided to make the auction and theyard sale separate events. The goal of this is to give more community members opportunities to come see and support Camp Mardela. There will be a stand of donated Camp Mardela yard sale items in the Craft House, and there will also be 10x10 yard sale spaces available in Krabill ($30 table provided) and outside. ($15 no table provided). You can support this event by
Donating yard sale items
Purchasing a yard sale space to sell your own items (deadline April 25th)
Volunteering to help with the event (contact to sign-up for a job)
Bringing friends and family the day of the event to shop!
Visit Community Yard Sale | Camp Mardela for more information.
BBQ Fundraiser
After the success of previous to-go camp dinners, we are creating another to-go meal option.: BBQ chicken! The meal will still be made by Amy Hutchison and volunteers, but this dinner will take on a different format than the last couple to-go camp dinners:
Meals will be first-come first-serve (no pre-orders except for large group exceptions)
Meals can be picked-up for Saturday lunch from 11am-2pm (or until sold out) next to Farm Credit by Blades Farm Road (to offer a smoother and more accessible drive-thru space)
We're excited to try this new fundraiser, and we know that it will taste delicious, and helps support camp's programs!
Summer Camp
We are anxiously looking towards warmer months for our summer programming! Our schedule is official, and registration is open online at PROGRAMS & EVENTS | Camp Mardela. We will be having many of our traditional camps, and a couple new camps, including an adult Work Camp weekend, a week-long Day Camp, The Wild camp, and a Creative Arts combined specialty camp. We plan on running all beginner, traditional, and specialty camps as overnight camps.
COVID-19 is quickly evolving, and our policies and procedures are evolving with it. The plan is to follow the June 2021 COVID-19 protocol published on the website until we hear of information that would make it reasonable for us to change our policies. As of right now, we are planning for:
Cabins 70% capacity
Prioritize outdoor activities
Cafeteria-style meals
Ventilation for all buildings
Universal masking strongly recommended indoors
Limit use of shared items
Pre-camp and daily screenings
More detailed information about our COVID-19 policies and any updates will be available at Summer 2021 COVID-19 Guidelines | Camp Mardela. We hope to see you at Camp Mardela soon!
Staff & Volunteers Needed!
Camp Mardela is a place, but it is the people who give their time, talents, and resources that make it a special place. We are in need of some of your time and talent in the upcoming months as camp programs get going again!
Summer Staff
Food Service Supervisor (18+)
Cooks (16+)
Maintenance Staff (16+)
Lifeguards/Waterfront Staff (16+)
Cabin counselors (16+)
Specialized Activity Leaders (archery, nature, Bible, crafts) (18+)
Directors (Youth Camp) (21+)
Thursday Maintenance Volunteers (Thursdays 9am-2pm)
If you are interested in any of the staff or volunteer positions, please visit SUPPORT | Camp Mardela for more detailed information, job descriptions, and applications.
Devotional Thoughts - Knitting into the Mystery
By Lezah Lakin - Camp Board Member from Greenhill Church of the Brethren
"I've always loved knitting and crocheting afghans and giving them away. During the process, God gives me a name or a person it's meant for. This provides for me a creative outlet and a dear one to pray for. We started our prayer shawl ministry at Greenhill 4 years ago and we call ourselves "Chains of Blessings". We make shawls, lap robes, blankets and afghans for those who are ill or grieving; to celebrate friendship and connections; for those moving or getting married; for those who need physical and emotional healing and for those in transition.
The need for the shawls and the desire to make them seem to be like a fire that feeds itself. As our hearts open more deeply, our awareness of people who would benefit from a shawl grows. This is an amazing outreach of love and compassion. It feels like stitching into the Mystery of God's spirit and His presence. No matter what our prayers are or how perfect our intentions, part of the process of making the shawls, giving them away and receiving them will always be something that lies beyond our describing in words.
The word 'mystery' comes from the Greek word 'myein' which means "to shut the eyes". Our prayer shawl ministry invites us to "shut our eyes ", so that we can be opened to seeing what happens within ourselves and our encounter with another person. The Mystery that unfolds silently as we knit or crochet our stitches, asks us to risk seeing new things, to experience God in ways that are unfamiliar to us. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" God is always doing something new with us, for us and in us. The strange thing that happens is that we begin to see His Mystery manifest itself visually by the labor of our own hands.
After casting on and stitching into the first few rows, suddenly the rows begin to form something. Always, the moment arrives when this odd jumble of stitches and rows emerges to reveal a beautiful pattern of color and texture. Out of a single strand of yarn, a flowing fabric emerges that will eventually wrap itself around another's shoulders and speak love into our hearts, a visual expression of God's Mystery. No two shawls look or feel alike, and no two people work at it exactly the same way. All these things work together to express the inexpressible Spirit and presence of God in our lives."